Thumb Author Raquel Marín

Raquel Marín

Neuroscientist and Professor of Physiology at the University of La Lagun

Neuroscientist, professor of Physiology and science communicator. Raquel Marín has dedicated a large part of her life to scientific research, in particular to brain diseases in aging and neurohealthy nutrients.

About the author

Graduated in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, she received her doctorate in Biomedicine at the Laval University (Quebec, Canada) and did her post-doctoral studies at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, USA), and at the Center for Biomedical Research (Rockefeller University, New York, USA).

She has been researching brain health for many years, which is why she has an extensive scientific bibliography with 127 international scientific publications and numerous presentations around the world. Likewise, she has given hundreds of talks in public and private centers.

She is the first Professor of Physiology at the University of La Laguna, as well as a collaborator in various radio programs such as Radio Nacional in Catalonia, Cadena SER, Radio Autonómica de Canarias, Radio Nacional de Colombia, etc.

She also frequently participates in television programs such as the Morning Program and Saber Vivir (TVE1), Spanish television in the Canary Islands (Buenos Días Canarias program), etc., and is the author of the non-fiction books Give life to your brain and Get your brain in shape (RocaEditorial).

She has received several awards: the Award for Women Researchers in Biomedicine at Laval University (Quebec, Canada), the Agustín de Bethencourt Research Award from the Caja Canarias Foundation, the European Medal for Work in Economics and Competitiveness, the Medal of Honor of the Institute of Forensic Sciences of Barcelona and the Expofinancial Award 2019 for her articles on nutrition and brain health.

Finally, she has a website ( where she writes current news about brain research and nutrition. She also provides her own neuro-healthy recipes, which are simple, economical, and tasty and will keep your mind working to its full potential.

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