Home Remedies for Underarm Bleaching

These recipes for at-home underarm bleaching will help boost your confidence when lifting your arms. Check them out!
Home Remedies for Underarm Bleaching

Last update: 18 May, 2022

There’s nothing worse than having unsightly, dark-colored underarms, to the point you’d rather not wear sleeveless shirts. Underarms can darken for many different reasons, but the good news is that there are plenty homemade remedies for underarm bleaching to help you.

Dark underarms: what to know

Underarms can darken for many different reasons. Things like inadequate hygiene, too much sweat passing through dead cells, friction from clothing, tight clothes, waxing and hair removal creams, deodorants with alcohol, or simply a predisposition.

It can also happen because of excessive sun exposure, hormones, or dehydration. One thing is certain: it’s embarrassing to have dark underarms, especially at a party or social event.

woman who did underarm bleaching lifting her glass

Here are some tips to prevent this from happening:

  • Don’t use a dull razor. We all have moments when we’re in a hurry, and our only option is to use that dull razor in the shower. But this will darken your underarms more and more every time.  Some women use wax, which can also cause skin darkening, especially for people with light skin.
  • Avoid using large amounts of deodorant and antiperspirant.  These products work by stopping up your pores, which doesn’t allow them to breathe. This is a big cause of darkening. You may have noticed that when you re-apply deodorant it just covers up the smell, but it always comes back. Try to use as little deodorant as possible and clean your underarms with unscented soap and water instead.
blonde girl who did underarm bleaching at a concert
  • Wash your underarms regularly: preferably every day and more than once a day if it’s hot or you’ve exercised.
  • Wear loose-fitting cotton clothing: during the summer, when it’s extremely hot, it’s important to wear light cotton clothing to prevent excessive sweating.
  • Avoid hair removal creams: prolonged use is a major cause of underarm darkening.
  • Try to keep irritants away from this area:  our underarms are prone to building up dead skin, rashes, or having a worse odor than normal. All of these can cause a bacterial infection or allergic reaction if you treat them with over-the-counter products. See a dermatologist to get the proper treatment.

Homemade remedies for underarm bleaching

  • Yogurt: Yogurt is one of the best natural remedies to eliminate dark underarms. Apply one tablespoon before showering, leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this treatment every day for at least one week.
  • Pumice Stone: while you’re bathing or showering, dedicate a few minutes to your underarms. Gently scrub them with a pumice stone for 2 minutes, once a week. This will remove the dead skin, and leave your underarms fresh.
  • Lemon: it contains some of the same properties as pumice stone, and can also have an underarm bleaching effect. Rub 1/2 a lemon in circles on your underarms and let it sit for 15 minutes every day before showering. The citric acid kills bacteria and naturally whitens your underarms.
  • Exfoliants: any regular exfoliant that you use for your face is also good for your underarms. It helps eliminate dead skin cells, and as a result, leaves your skin much lighter. You can make a homemade scrub with sugar and honey, or oil and coarse salt. There are many ingredients you may have on hand in your kitchen that could be used for this.
  • Sandalwood:  seek out a powdered form of sandalwood and mix it with rose water. Apply it with a circular motion to the underarms for 2 minutes, then rinse well and dry.
  • Cucumber: extract the juice from a cucumber and mix it with turmeric powder (found in health food stores). You can also add the juice from 1/2 a lemon to enhance its effects. Apply the mixture and leave it on for 30 minutes. Then wash it thoroughly with warm water.
  • Orange:  mix powder made from dried orange peels and a tablespoon of natural yogurt. Apply it to your underarms and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold or lukewarm water.
  • Potato juice:  peel a potato and then put it in a blender. This is an excellent way to do underarm bleaching. Apply it with a cotton ball, leave it on for several minutes, then rinse it off. You can also cut 2 slices of potato and rub them directly on your underarms once a week.
  • Baking Soda: in a container, mix a small amount of baking soda with water to form a paste. Apply nightly, and if possible, leave on overnight. In the morning, rinse of thoroughly.
  • Oatmeal: this is an excellent exfoliant that can you can use all over. Mix a small amount of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and juice from 1/2 a lemon. Apply to your underarms and leave on for 1 hour. Repeat twice per week.
  • Apple cider vinegar: there are many health benefits and remedies with apple cider vinegar you can use to care for your skin. Because of its acidic content, it prevents bacterial growth, and eliminates bad odors at the same time as it bleaches. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and wipe your underarms once a week.
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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.