The 5 Best Plants for Improving Your Emotional State
We are all emotional beings, even those who appear to be cold and extremely calculating and those who seem to be unaffected by emotions. Have you even sat down to think about all the emotions that you go through in just one day? And the way in which they influence your work, your relationship with your partner, family, kids, etc.? In today’s article we’ll be looking at how we can improve our emotional state by taking infusions.
We can’t bypass the fact that, like everything in life, there are good and bad aspects, and emotions are no exception. There are good emotions that help us overcome day to day problems with optimism. On the other hand, there are others that do just the opposite, they paralyze us and fill us with fear and insecurity.
Emotional gastritis
You must know that constant states of stress and nervousness can affect our emotional state. It can lead to the appearance of stress-induced gastritis, or what is also known as emotional gastritis. This consists of inflammation of the stomach wall, the primary symptoms of which are burning, itching, heartburn, etc. When this condition has its root in emotions, over time it can create stomach ulcers that could develop into cancer.
After the doctor diagnoses emotional gastritis, he will evaluate whether it would be useful to have complimentary treatment using psychological therapy.
Nature has once again has provided us with plants that can help our emotional well-being. They can help to prevent those characteristic negative emotions caused by stress and worries in an intense day’s activities.
The best plants for your emotional state
Below we are going to give you a list of the plants that will help you live a more relaxed and peaceful life. Keep in mind, of course, that you should never consume them in excess. And if there is any shadow of a doubt regarding their consumption, you should always consult a professional trained doctor on the subject. This is especially important if you are already undergoing medical treatment.
Read more: Reduce Anxiety with These 5 Calming Remedies
In order to have a good emotional sense, lavender is an interesting option. It possesses anxiolytic and relaxing effects, and is also useful for treating migraines, stress, tiredness, depression, and helps people to get to sleep. You can use it internally or externally, although the latter is the most popular. You can do it by means of aromatherapy, essential oils, or lavender flowers.
To alleviate stress and nervousness, you can use this infusion with one tablespoon of dried borage leaves per one glass of water. Drink a few times a day. Avoid prolonged treatments with this plant and avoid during pregnancy. Small children should not take this infusion.
Experts don’t recommend using it during pregnancy nor while breastfeeding. Neither should it be given to small children (always consult their pediatrician before medicating your child). Also, avoid interaction with other medications that produce equal or similar effects.
Consuming valerian during the day is not advisable if your job consists of operating heavy machinery or requires a lot of attention and concentration. To avoid problems, consume it shortly before going to bed and enjoy its properties throughout the night.
Chamomile provides peaceful benefits, thanks to its gently relaxing effect. For cases of nervousness and insomnia, it is useful to consume an infusion made from dried chamomile flowers.
You can also take a bath with chamomile infusion. Prepare the infusion with dried flowers and add them to your bath water. Or you could use 15 drops of this essential oil to replace the infusion.
Pregnant women and small children should consult their doctor before consuming.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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