Thumb Author Sergio Alonso Castrillejo

Sergio Alonso Castrillejo

Pharmacist and Master in Scientific Culture and Innovation.

He graduated in Pharmacy from the University of Salamanca and has a Master's degree in Scientific Culture and Innovation from the University of Oviedo. He has won a prize for the best research work awarded by the Official College of Pharmacists of Salamanca.

About the author

In 2016 he graduated as a pharmacist from the University of Salamanca and continued his professional studies by completing a Master's Degree in Scientific Culture and Innovation from the University of Oviedo where he has been specializing in scientific communication.

His participation in scientific research projects has led him to write several publications in the field of diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. Thanks to his outstanding work, he won a prize for the best research work awarded by the Official College of Pharmacists of Salamanca.

In addition, he carried out the management of a health training program at the University of Salamanca and coordinated the organization of congresses at a local and national level. His latest work experiences have been aimed at the communication of science with projects on social networks in scientific institutions where he has also carried out community manager tasks and digital projects in the pharmaceutical sector.