Thumb Author Marcela Caffulli

Marcela Caffulli


Pediatrician with extensive professional experience. He has specialized in neuropediatrics and child neurodevelopment. It is part of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, an entity with which it develops projects, programs, workshops and outreach efforts throughout the country. His work as a pediatrician also takes him to the digital context in collaboration with health and medicine magazines and platforms.

About the author

Graduated in Medicine from the University of Buenos Aires (2011). She has a specialty in Pediatrics (2016) and a diploma in Child Neurodevelopment from the Favaloro University (2018). He is currently studying to obtain a master's degree in Pediatric Neurodevelopment and Child Neurodevelopment at the TECH Technological University .

The regular member of the Growth and Development Committee of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics since 2017, where he has participated in the organization of conferences, congresses, projects and publications of this entity. He has been working in the Department of Pediatrics of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires since 2012 and since 2017 also in his private practice. She has carried out work as a disseminator and teacher in professional child development programs. She also works as a writer and editor in digital media related to health and medicine.

She is the mother of a small child, which has given her the most important title of her career. Travel and writing lover. Her dream is to publish a book about her experiences as a mother-pediatrician in the 21st century .