Tips that May Help to Reduce a Fever Naturally

When a child has a fever then you should always consult your doctor. However there are also some natural alternatives you can use to bring the temperature down
Tips that May Help to Reduce a Fever Naturally

Last update: 12 May, 2022

Many parents don’t like giving their children medication when they’ve got a fever. We recommend that you do consult your doctor if your child has a fever, but at the same time, there are some effective and natural alternatives to be able to reduce a fever naturally. 

Tips to help reduce a fever naturally

If you or a family member has a temperature that’s higher than it should be, then here are some good options:

  • Place wet socks on their ankles. This is an excellent solution for children in order to try and reduce a fever naturally. Simply dampen the socks a little and place them over the ankle area. When the socks feel dry, repeat the procedure. Make sure they aren’t dripping wet, and wring them out well. This method brings relief and calms sick children down.
  • Wash with lukewarm water. Have a shower for a couple of minutes, reducing the temperature slowly so the change isn’t a shock to the body.
Girl sleeping due to fever
  • Drink a lot of water. A fever is similar to dehydration. The body is fighting foreign organisms. So, in order to try and reduce a fever naturally, drinking water, herbal tea or juice is a great idea. This is especially recommended if the fever is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. The quantity depends on the age of the patient (6 pints for adult males, 5 pints for females and 3 pints for children).
  • Cool down the head and neck. Use a cold or wet cloth. Repeat as many times as needed whenever the cloth dries or no longer feels cool.
  • Don’t eat too much food. It’s better to consume liquids, such as vegetable soup or herbal tea. In this way, the body will heal more quickly. If you are hungry, don’t eat until you’re full – eat little and often.

Homemade remedies for a fever

These recipes can be effective to be able to reduce a fever naturally, although it is always better to consult your doctor.

  • Raisin tea: Place 1 cup of raisins into 7 cups of water and boil in a saucepan. When it begins to boil, turn the flame down low until the liquid reduces by a third. Turn off the heat, let it cool and drink half a cup throughout the day.
Homemade remedies for a fever
  • Sage tea: This herb promotes sweating and can help to reduce a fever naturally. Fill a cup with boiling water and add a couple of sage leaves. Cover it and leave it for a couple minutes. Add honey, sugar or stevia, as well as a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Lettuce tea: A great way of keeping yourself hydrated is by drinking lettuce tea. This vegetable contains a lot of potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus to nourish the body while you aren’t eating normal meals. Boil 2 pints of water, pour it into a container along with a whole head of lettuce. Leave for fifteen minutes. Strain. Add a sweetener of your choice. Drink before it cools.
  • Have an ice cream. This is a remedy that any child will like. The sugar that it contains is beneficial for fevers, and it is cold. It reduces the temperature and hydrates the body, as well a great incentive for the child!

Images courtesy of Sunshinecity, Sherry Kang, Karl Ludwing

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.